Well, hopefully work on the decks will resume shortly. The completion of the painting and non skid was delayed due to COVID 19 believe it or not. The painter has been stuck in the USA due to the border closure. He is on his way back and will need to self isolate for 14 days, so he will be isolating in the shed where Akupara is. Hopefully he can wrap up the decks and the clear coat on the hull so that we can get on with completing this gargantuan project.
and the painting continues…
3 little stripes and you would think 3 little days. Ya no luck. Apparently each stripe takes a week….
Cracked Eggs
This is the first of the Before and After photos, hopefully this turns out…

Ignorance is Bliss
I completely understand this sentiment!
Prodigy Marine started on the hull repairs and as exciting it is, it is also terrifying! As long as we have had Akupara I knew there were some bumps, I mean she is 40 years old, we all have bumps at 40, but it is only once you start investigating that you truly know what lies beneath!
So far by the look of the work that they have completed, I am not surprised. We knew about these spots and as bad as it looks, it is just fiberglass, and as long as I am not the one doing it, it is not even a big job yet. It is well over my comfort level, but nothing for the Pro’s!
The fear is in what lies beneath. What are we going to find as they continue investigating the area’s outlined in marker? I am praying to the gods of the sea and sailing that we do not encounter anything too bad!